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现役柔佛游泳州手肌肉不平衡腰部疼痛Current Johor State Swimmer with back pain cause by muscle imbalance.

Updated: Jun 19, 2021


NICHOLAS GAN, 现役柔佛游泳州手。 由于MCO期间的缺乏训练导致他重返泳池后背后疼痛, 弯曲腰一点就疼痛。经过检查,我们发现他的背部肌肉非常发达, 强而有力,肌肉厚度近乎刀枪不入,但是腹部的肌肉却比背肌软弱许多。



我们针对了Nicholas “错误腹部训练姿势’给予治疗与教导。



‘I have been doing a lot of Abdominal muscle training and I did quite well in those.’

NICHOLAS GAN, Johor State Swimmer, due to lack of exercise during the MCO period, he suffered lower back pain after returning to the pool.

A slight bending of his trunk induced pain. Up

on examination, we found out that his lower back muscles are strong and powerful. However, his abdominal muscles are totally opposite to it.

He has been doing a lot of abdominal training but wrongly done the whole time due to faulty posture.

The ratio of the abdominal and back muscles must be maintained in a balanced way to stabilize our spine and bend without pain.

We corrected his faulty posture in his abdominal training.

After 4 sessions of treatment, Nicholas no longer suffered lower back pain in his training.

Wish Nicholas can be represent Malaysia and bring glory to the country.


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